Monday, November 8, 2010

~Report of National Youth Policy Survey~

The pie chart above represents the major organizations which manage primarily of National Youth Development Policy in Malaysia.There are 95% of the respondent choose true and the other 5% of respondent choose false as their answer. The answer for this question is true.We can say that, the respondents also have the basic about this policy. So that,in a community in our country there are teens that care and able to coat the future leaders of our country.

People aged between 7 and 15 years old. 1 4%

People aged between 15 and 40 years old. 22 96%

People aged between 30 and 60 years old. 0 0%

The pie chart represents the range of age of youth by the national youth policy of Malaysia .there are 96% of respondents choose the range of age between 15 and 40 years old and none of respondents choose the range age between 7 and 15 years old. As we can conclude, the respondent quite sensitive about what range of age the youth is.

To uphold the principles of RUKUNEGARA (PILLARS of the NATION) 7 30%

To develop the gauss law principle 9 39%

To develop leadership quality 7 30%

The pie chart shows that the principle of the National Youth Development Policy, EXCEPT that 39% of them choose to develop the gauss law principle, and 30% is for both to uphold the principles of RUKUNEGARA (pillars of the nation) and to develop leadership quality. From here we can say that most of respondents know a bit about the policy.

report of National Youth Development Policy

The chart represents the percentage of the respondents who have any idea about The National Youth Development Policy. 57% of respondents did not have any idea about this policy while 43% of the respondents have some knowledge about this policy. In conclusion, people in Malaysia did not aware about the existence of the National Youth Development Policy.

The chart above shows the percentage of the respondent’s opinion whether National Youth Development Policy give benefit to youth or otherwise. 78% of respondents agree that this policy bring benefit to youth while only a few of them oppose with this statement. We can conclude that National Youth Development Policy bring a lot of advantages to the youth in Malaysia.